
oldfactoryThe Syassky pulp and paper mill – one of the first establishments of the domestic pulp and paper industry. In 1928 the first queue of the mill consisting of a wood preparation shop, an acid-cooking room and a drying-paper shop, was commissioned, TES-1. And on November 3, 1928 first tons of unbleached sulphite pulp were produced. For production of cellulose at the mill there are installed 6 cooking boilers and two pulp drying machines of the firm “Banning and Zeiboldt” (Germany) of a capacity of 100 tons a day. For production of brown paper of cellulose separation waste products in the drying-paper shop there is installed PMM No. 1 of the firm “Brudergaus” (Germany). In parallel with the plant development the second queue of the mill was being built. timer1 (1)


Great attention is paid to modernization of the operating equipment, introduction of new technique and advanced technologies. During the period from 1958 to 1963 the wood shop was completely reconstructed, from 1974 to 1980 in the acid-cooking room there was commissioned a plant for mechanized acceptance, dissolution, storage in liquid state and feeding to production of soda ash. The acid shop has been completely reconstructed and the technology of getting of sulfur dioxide gas by burning of sulfur instead of pyrites has been developed. 

Development and upgrading of technological processes required at the same time development of generating capacities. In 1956 additionally to the existing four steam-boilers there was commissioned steam-boiler No. 5, and in 1964 – steam-boiler No. 6. 

According to the project of expansion and reconstruction in 1968-70 the following facilities were commissioned: a group of factories, producing sanitary and household papers and articles of sanitary and hygienic purposes, TES-2 with three steam-boilers, filter – settling constructions for clarification of industrial and drink water, a grinding shop, a printing-house, a repair – engineering shop, a station of biological treatment of industrial waste, an evaporating shop.

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